
1200 BCE

Initial Mycenaean settlement at Kition is destroyed.

1050 BCE

Approximate foundation of the Kingdom of Kourion.

1000 BCE

Religious part of Kition is abandoned, though the rest remains in use.

850 BCE

Much of Kition is rebuilt by settlers from Tyre.

750 BCE

Cyprus, including Kourion and Paphos, comes under Assyrian rule.

709 BCE

Cyprus, including Salamis, Amathos, Paphos, Soloi, Lapethos, Kourion, and Kition, liberates itself from the domination of Tyre.

708 BCE

The kings of Cyprus, including Salamis, Kition, Amathos, and Paphos, pay homage to Sargon II of Assyria.

672 BCE

Damasos is recorded as King of Kourion.

570 BCE

Kition comes under Egyptian domination.

569 BCE

Amathos is mentioned during the reign of Pharaoh Amasis II of Egypt.

569 BCE

Cyprus, including Kourion, Amathos, Paphos, Lapethos, Salamis, Soloi, and Kition, comes under Egyptian administration.

545 BCE

All of Cyprus, including Kourion, Amathos, Paphos, Lapethos, Salamis, Soloi, and Kition,comes under Persian control.

499 BCE-
498 BCE

Amathos remains loyal to the Persian Empire during the Ionian Revolt, a rebellion of Greek city-states in Asia Minor against Persian rule. Kition rebels.

498 BCE

Stasanor, King of Kourion, allies with Onesilos, King of Salamis, against the Persians. Stasanor betrays Onesilos, leading to a Persian victory.

450 BCE

Peace of Kallias, an agreement between Athens and Persia after a series of conflicts between them. In Cyprus, Amathos, Kelenderis, and Salamis remain under Persian control but maintains its local autonomy. Ephesos, Miletos, Priene, Klazomenai, and Phokaia also obtain some autonomy.

450 BCE

An Athenian fleet under Kimon departs Kition and is attacked by a Persian fleet near Salamis. The Athenians win the encounter.

449 BCE

Kimon of Athens frees Marion from the Persians.

415 BCE

Abdemon deposes a Phoenician ruler and becomes King of Salamis.

411 BCE

Evagoras I takes the throne of Salamis from Abdemon.

382 BCE

Orontas and Tiribazos defeat Evagoras I at Kition.

374 BCE

Nikokles succeeds his father Evagoras I on the throne of Salamis.

362 BCE

Pumiathon ascends the throne of Kition after the death of his father Melekiaton.

354 BCE

Androkles of Amathos sails with the Aegean fleet of Pharnabazos III and Autophradates.

351 BCE

Beginning of reign of Pnytagoras in Salamis.

345 BCE

Artaxerxes III recognizes Pnytagoras as king of Salamis in exchange for loyalty.

343 BCE

The major cities in Cyprus – Salamis under Pnytagoras, Kourion, Paphos, and Soloi – rebel against Artaxerxes III Okhos. He sends Idreios along with the Athenian Phokion to quell the rebellion.

342 BCE

Pumiathon or Kition purchases the kingdom of Tamassos, rich in copper, for 50 talents. Its king then retires to Amathos.

333 BCE

Amathos under Androkles, Salamis, and Soloi in Cyprus submit to Alexander the Great after his victory over the Persian Empire at the Battle of Issos. Chios also comes under Macedon.

332 BCE

Androkles of Amathos, Pnytagoras of Salamis, and Pasikrates of Kourion join Alexander the Great at the Siege of Tyre, where their qinqueremes are destroyed.

332 BCE

The flagships of Pnytagoras of Salamis, Androkles of Amathos, and Pasikrates of Kourion are destroyed while anchored in the harbor of Tyre.

332 BCE

Pnytagoras of Salamis is given Tamasos, previously the territory of Pumiathon of Kition, by Alexander the Great.

332 BCE

Nikokreon of Salamis and Pasikrates of Soloi pay homage to Alexander III in Phoenicia and take part in games.

331 BCE

Nikokreon becomes king of Salamis with either the death or removal of Pnytagoras.

325 BCE

The Akropolis is constructed in Kourion.

321 BCE

Androkles of Amathos, Nikokreon of Salamis, Pasikrates of Soloi, and Nikokles of Paphos ally themselves with Ptolemy against Perdikkas.

320 BCE

Ptolemy I makes Nikokreon of Salamis strategos of Cyprus.

315 BCE

Androkles of Amathos forced by Seleukos into being neutral between him and Antigonos.

315 BCE

Pumiathon of Kition agrees to an alliance with Antigonos Monophthalmos.

315 BCE

Pasikrates of Kourion rejects an alliance with Antigonos Monophthalmos and remains loyal to Ptolemy I Soter.

314 BCE

Ptolemy I Soter gives Seleukos I Nikator a small fleet, which he uses to force Asandros to ally with Ptolemy. He also takes Erythrai and besieges Kition along with Menelaos.

313 BCE

An inscription at Delos names Androkles of Amathos as the dedicator of a gold crown.

312 BCE

Menelaus, brother to Ptolemy I, conquers the city states of Cyprus – Salamis, Kition, Kourion, Amathos, Lapethos, Paphos, and Soloi. He kills Pumiathon, king of Kition and arrests Praxippos of Lapethos, and destroys Marion with Stasioikos, then transports its citizens to Paphos.

310 BCE

Soldiers under Menelaus surround the house of Nikokles of Paphos and force his surrender. His wife burns the palace and her children with themselves inside.

310 BCE

Death of Nikokreon of Salamis.

307 BCE

Eunostos of Soloi marries Eirene, daughter of Ptolemy I Soter and Thais.

306 BCE

Demetrios Poliorketes captures Cyprus from Ptolemy I Soter and Menelaus – including Salamis, Kourion, Soloi, Paphos, and Amathos.

294 BCE

Amathos, Soloi, and Salamis become part of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt under Ptolemy I Soter. They are incorporated into the Ptolemaic administrative system, as Cyprus becomes a strategic naval and commercial hub for the Ptolemies.

270 BCE

Ptolemy II Philadelphos founds a new city named Arsinoe, named for his wife Arsinoe II, on the ruins of Marion.

233 BCE

A temple to Astarte is erected in Kition.

58 BCE

Cyprus, including Amathos, Soloi, Salamis, Kition, Paphos, Lapethos, and Kourion, is annexed by Rome after Publius Clodius Pulcher, a Roman tribune, convinces the Roman Senate to declare Cyprus a Roman province.

47 BCE

Cyprus, including Kourion, Amathos, Paphos, Lapethos, Salamis, Soloi, and Kition, goes to Marc Antony and Kleopatra VII.

31 BCE

All of Cyprus, including Kourion, Amathos, Paphos, Lapethos, Salamis, Soloi, and Kition, returns to Roman rule.

22 BCE

Cyprus, including Kourion, Amathos, Paphos, Lapethos, Salamis, Soloi, and Kition, is separated from Cilicia into its own province.

15 BCE

An earthquake causes damage in Kourion.

76 CE

Kition suffers a strong earthquake.

76 CE

An earthquake causes severe damage in Kourion and is restored by Vespasian.

322 CE

Kition, Paphos, and Salamis are destroyed by an earthquake.

342 CE

Another earthquake further destroys Kition, Paphos, and Salamis.