Constantine I ‘the Great’
Arelate, 319 CE
BI Nummus 3.22g, 17mm, 6h
IMP CONSTANTINVS AVG, helmeted, laureate and cuirassed bust to right /
VICTORIAE LAETAE PRINC PERP, two Victories holding shield inscribed VOT PR in two lines over altar; SARL in exergue.
February 27
Birth of Constantine the Great in Moesia Superior to Constantius Chlorus and Helena.
Constantine I fights against barbarians on the Danube for Diocletian.
Constantine I fights against Persians in Syria with Diocletian.
Estimated birth year of Crispus to Constantine the Great and Minervina.
Constantine I returns to Nicomedia from the eastern front.
Constantius requests his son Constantine I join him in Britain. Galerius grants the request after drinking heavily.
Constantine I is a tribune of the first order.
Constantine I funds major changes to the agora at Nicopolis ad Istrum.
July 25
Death of Constantius Chlorus in Britain. Constantine the Great is declared Augustus by his troops.
October 28
Constantine the Great defeats the Franks near Trier. The kings and their soldiers are fed to animals at the amphitheater in Trier.
Constantine the Great begins a major expansion of Trier.
Constantine the Great leaves Gaul for Britain and chooses not to help Maxentius in Italy.
Constantine the Great raids Germanic tribes and builds a bridge over the Rhein at Colonia Agrippinensium.
November 11
Galerius calls a council to discuss the disruptive western provinces. Diocletian and Maximian attend. Maximian is forced to abdicate and Constantine the Great is demoted to Caesar under the new Augustus Licinius.
Maximian rebels against Constantine the Great while he is fighting the Franks.
Constantine the Great changes his patron from Mars to Sol Invictus.
Constantine the Great captures Maximian at Arles when the citizens open their rear gates to him. Maximian commits suicide.
July 25
Constantine the Great, no longer able to rely on the Maximian family for name, invents that he descended from Claudius Gothicus.
Maxentius declares war on Constantine the Great.
Constantine the Great forges an alliance with Licinius, giving him his sister Constantia in marriage.
Helena returned to the imperial court under he son, Constantine the Great.
The tetrarchy is replaced by two Emperors – Constantine I in the west and Licinius in the east.
Constantine the Great crosses the alps to confront Maxentius.
Constantine the Great defeats soldiers of Maxentius at the Battle of Turin.
Constantine the Great rests his troops in Milan until continuing to Brixia.
October 27
The crowd openly taunts Maxentius at chariot races, saying that Constantine the Great is invincible.
October 28
Constantine the Great defeats Maxentius at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge. Constantine claims in a dream that victory requires fighting under the Chi-Ro banner. Maxentius is trapped by fleeing soldiers and drowns in the Tiber.
October 29
Constantine the Great enters Rome to great acclaim.
Constantine the Great and Licinius meet in Milan to cement their marriage alliance. The two emperors sign the Edict of Milan, promising religious tolerance.
Licinius marries Flavia Julia Constantia, half sister of Constantine I.
October 8
Constantine I defeats Licinius at the Battle of Cibalae.
Constantine I and Licinius share a consulship.
Birth of Constantine II at Arles to Constantine I and Fausta.
Constantine the Great defeats Licinius at the Battle of Cibalae.
Constantine the Great and Licinius fight at the Battle of Mardia, where both sides take heavy losses. They agree to promote Crispus, Constantine II, and Licinius II to Caesars.
Licinius is humiliated in the Battle of Mardia by Constantine I.
Bowing to pressure by Constantine I, Licinius has his co-emperor Valens killed.
August 7
Birth of Constantius II to Constantine the Great and Fausta.
Licinius accuses Constantine I of breaking their treaty when he pursues Sarmatians and then Goths into his territory.
Constantine the Great wages are on the Goths and Sarmatians from Sirmium.
Constantine II accompanies his father Constantine the Great on campaign in Sarmatia.
Constantine the Great defeats the Goths and kills their leader.
Constantine I defeats Licinius in a naval encounter.
Constantine I refounds Byzantion as an imperial residence named Nova Roma.
July 3
Licinius is soundly defeated by Constantine the Great at the Battle of Adrianople.
September 18
Constantine the Great defeats Licinius at the Battle of Chrysopolis. Licinius surrenders and are sent to live as private citizens.
November 8
Constantius II made Caesar by Constantine the Great.
Licinius is accused of a plot to kill Constantine the Great, is caught at Thessalonika, and is executed.
Constantine the Great executes Licinius II.
Constantine the Great executes his son Crispus for reasons still unknown.
Constantine the Great has his wife Fausta killed in a boiling bath.
Construction completed on Constantine’s Bridge, created with the hope of retaking Dacia.
Death of Helena, with her son Constantine the Great at her side.
May 11
The city of Nova Roma, formerly known as Byzantion, is renamed to Constantinople by Constantine the Great.
Constantine II made field commander by Constantine the Great against the Goths.
Constantine the Great defeats the Goths with help from the Sarmatians.
Constantine the Great achieves victory over the Sarmatians.
December 25
Constans elevated to Caesar at Constantinople by Constantine I
September 18
Delmatius raised to Caesar by Constantine the Great.
Constantius II sent to recapture Mesopatamia by Constantine the Great. He overruns it, captures Amida, and kills their leader Narses.
Constantius Gallus is one of the few relatives of Constantine the Great not purged after his death.
September 9
Death of Constantine the Great. Constans, Constantine II, and Constantius II become emperors and divide the empire.