Kardia founded by settlers from Miletos and Klazomenai.
Kardia is founded by settlers from Miletos and Klazomenai.
Pantikapaion is founded by settlers from Miletos.
Citizens of Teos flee from the Persians to found Phanagoria.
Karkinitis founded by Greek settlers.
Kardia is the only city in the Chersonese not destroyed by Persia.
Phanagoria comes under the monarchy of the Archeactides.
Kardia comes under Odrysian control.
Kersebleptes, in a bid against Philip II, turns over all the cities of the Chersonese to Athens except for Kardia.
Kardia is ruled by the tyrant Hekataios.
Lysimachos obtains control over parts of Thrace, including Abdera. He destroys Kardia to provide inhabitants for Lysimachia.
Phanagoria, Nymphaion, Chersonesos, and Theodosia revolt against Mithridates VI.
Pharnakes II retreats north and takes Pantikapaion and Theodosia.
Brutus and Cassius march through Maroneia, Lysimachia, and Kardia to the Gulf of Melas.