Demeter | Grain | Veiled | Wreath
Thrace. Bisanthe
circa 300-200 BCE
Æ 10 mm, 1,28 g
Veiled head of Demeter to right, wreathed with grain /
BI within grain wreath; ΣAN below
Schönert-Geiss 38-41; HGC 3.2, 1367

Bisanthe was at the beginning of the 4th century under control of the Odrysian kings. Xenophon wrote of Seuthes II promising him Bisanthe as a marriage present, which was described as ” the very fairest of all the places I have upon the seacoast.” Later on, Seuthes reneged from the deal.

Later on, the name was changed to Rhadeston, though obviously that occurred after this coin was minted.

Bisanthe was originally a colony of Samos. The modern day city of Tekirdağ, Turkey sits on the site.

Persephone | Sakkos | Soteira | Tripod
Kyzikos(?), Mysia
circa 300-200 BCE
Æ 13mm, 1,40g
Head of Kore Soteira right, hair bound in sakkos /
Tripod, ethnic to either side