BI 3.00g, 18mm, 6h.
Cyzicus, 395-401 CE
D N ARCADIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right / VIRTVS EXERCITI, emperor standing facing, head to right, holding spear, resting on shield, and being crowned by Victory standing to left and holding palm branch; SMKB in exergue
RIC X 66
Ex Roma
Birth of son Arcadius to Aelia Flacilla and Theodosius I.
January 19
Theodosius declares his son Arcadius an Augustus over the western half of the Empire, without the approval of Gratian.
Theodosius leaves Constantinople to fight the Arbogastes and Eugenius and leaves Arcadius nominally in charge.
The Column of Theodosius is completed by Arcadius.
January 17
Theodosius dies, leaving Arcadius as the Emperor of the Eastern Empire and Honorius as the Western Emperor.
April 27
Marriage of Aelia Eudoxia to Arcadius.
Aelia Eudoxia gives birth to her first child with Arcadius, a daughter named Pulcheria.
Aelia Eudoxia gives birth to her second child with Arcadius, Theodosius II, the future Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire.
The power struggle between Aelia Eudoxia and Eutropius, another influential official, escalates. Eutropius is eventually executed by Arcadius, strengthening Eudoxia’s influence.
A rebellion led by the Gothic general Gainas threatens Arcadius’s rule. However, Gainas is defeated.
Aelia Eudoxia’s and Arcadius’ conflict with John Chrysostom, the Patriarch of Constantinople, begins. John Chrysostom criticizes the Empress for her lavish lifestyle and perceived moral failings.
Aelia Eudoxia and John Chrysostom’s dispute reaches its peak. John Chrysostom is deposed and exiled by Arcadius, largely due to Eudoxia’s influence. She erects a silver statue of herself in the Forum of Constantinople, which John condemned in his sermons.
May 1
Arcadius dies and is succeeded by his son, Theodosius.