Thrace, Apros
circa 260-250 BCE
Æ 15 mm, 4,30 g
Laureate head of Apollo right /
AΠΡH to right, oval Celtic shield with central rib, kithara to left.
Cf. AJN 25 (2013), p. 11 ff / Pl. 2, 1
Apros was originally a place of residence for multiple Odrysian kings and later served as the center of the Galatian Kingdom and was the residence of Kavaros.
Its coins are very rare and bear an interesting Celtic shield on the reverse. This compares nicely with the Macedonian shields typical of its neighbors and the two must have faced each other many times in battle.
Not much is known about the ancient history of Apros. It was later renamed by the Romans to Colonia Claudia Aprensis and played a role in bits and pieces in later history.
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