Arrow | Artemis | Bow | Kybele | Quiver | Stag | Turreted | Veiled
Phrygia, Akmoneia
Timotheos and Menela…, magistrates
c. 2nd-1st century BCE
Æ 22mm 5,00g
Turreted and veiled head of Kybele (or the city-goddess?) to right.
R/ AKMONE / TIMOΘEOY / MENEΛA Artemis standing right, holding bow in her left hand and drawing arrow from quiver with her right; behind her, stag standing right
BMC 13. SNG Copenhagen 16. SNG von Aulock 3367

Akmonia was an ancient city that mostly minted coins during Roman imperial times, though this coin is a notable exception – being minted during the Republican period.

One interesting aspect of Akmonia was a strong presence of a Jewish community. Not much is known about it save a synagogue founded during the time of Nero. However, there exists evidence that Jews held powerful positions in the city.

The city was mentioned by Cicero and was under the jurisdiction of Apamea.