Aigeai, Cilicia
ca 164-27 BCE
AE 21.0mm 6.8g
Obv: Turreted, draped and veiled bust of Tyche right
Rev: AIΓEAIΩN THΣIEPAΣ KAI AVTONOMOY, Bridled horse’s head left, monogram to right
SNG BN 2297
Aigai was spelled a number of different ways, such as Aegaeae. Now try that one in a spelling bee! It was located around the modern day city of Yumurtalik, Turkey.
In the ancient times, Aigai was an important city, but by the time of Strabo it was mentioned only as a small town with a mooring port. Its coinage starts only in the 2nd century BCE.
Brutus, the famed assassin of Julius Caesar, used the sword of Strato of Aigai to kill himself after he was defeated in battle near Philippi.
Almost nothing remains of the ancient town, though there are still a number of medieval fortifications.
Athenaios wrote that the water around Aigai was fresh.
Alexander the Great conquers Cilicia and Pisidia, including Aigai.Tarsos (where he became ill after a swim in the Kydnos River), Soloi, Sagalassos, and Issos.
Following the victory in the Battle of Ipsos, Cilicia comes under Seleukid control with Seleukos I Nikator. This included Aigai.Tarsos, Soloi, Issos, and Mallos.
Julius Caesar visits Aigai during his campaign in the east. He also visits Antioch and declares its freedom.
Septimius Severus sails to Aigai in preparation for a Parthian campaign.