Aelius (adopted son of Hadrian), as Caesar
AR Denarius. Rome, AD 137
3.27g, 16mm, 6h.
L AELIVS CAESAR, bare head to right / TR POT COS II, Spes advancing to left, holding flower and hitching robe.
RIC II.3 2648; BMCRE 979 (Hadrian); RSC 55
Ex collection of Z.P., Austria
Ex Roma
101 CE
January 13
January 13
Lucius Aelius Caesar is born.
129 CE
Lucius Aelius marries Avidia, the daughter of a senator.
130 CE
December 15
December 15
Birth of Lucius Verus to Lucius Aelius and Avidia.
136 CE
Birth of Ceionia Fabia to Lucius Aelius and Avidia. She would be bethrothed to Marcus Aurelius, but did not marry him.
136 CE
Hadrian chooses Lucius Aelius, as his adopted son and heir.
136 CE
Antoninus Pius is adopted by Emperor Hadrian, making him the designated successor after the death of Hadrian’s first choice, Aelius Caesar.
138 CE
January 1
January 1
Lucius Aelius, father of Lucius Verus, prepares to make a speech to the Senate in Rome, but grows ill and dies.