Club | Cuirassed | Herakles | Lionskin | Portrait
Sikyonia, Sikyon
Geta Caesar, 198-209 CE
Ae 6.45g 23mm
Obv: ΠOY CЄ ΓЄTAC KAI. Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev: CIKYWNIWN. Herakles standing left, holding lion skin and resting hand upon club.
BCD Peloponnesos 373.10 var. (Herakles standing right)

Pausanias wrote of Sikyon: “And in the gymnasium, which is not far from the marketplace, is dedicated a statue of Herakles made of stone, the work of Skopas. There is also elsewhere a shrine to Herakles.”

Imhoof-Blumer and Gardner add “The figure of Herakles on the coin is unfortunately indistinct, but the deity seems to be unbearded, and of somewhat slight build.”

Skopas, active from roughly 370-330 BCE, was born in Paros and was most famous for a statue of Meleager. He also worked with Praxiteles and created part of the Mauloleum at Halikarnassos.

As far as I can tell, this is the only example of this coin where Herakles faces left.