The Hasmonean kings have long been collected simply for the geographical area they controlled. They were also Jewish kings, though among them were some of the cruelest kings in history. Hyrcanus was the first to achieve some independence from the Seleukids.
His son, Alexander Jannaios, was infamous for dining while two thousand rebels and their children were crucified.
Mattathias Antigonos was the last Hasmonean king. He was executed by the Romans under a request from Herod I.
Herod the Great is of course infamous for his palace that may be visited at Masada and other large building projects.
Herod II was the son of Herod the Great.
John Hyrcanus I, the Hasmonean ruler of Judea, conquers Idumea and forcibly converts the Idumeans to Judaism. Idumea is formally integrated into the Hasmonean kingdom.
Alexander Jannaios besieges Gaza for a year, then kills all the inhabitants and destroys it.
Straton’s Tower (later named Caesaria Maritima) is captured by the Judean king Alexander Jannaios.
Herod the Great, of Idumean descent, is installed as king of Judea by the Romans. His rule brings stability and extensive building projects in the region, including in Idumea.
Straton’s Tower is given to Herod I, who renamed it to Caesarea Maritima in honor of Augustus.
Herod I begins construction of the harbor at Caesarea Maritima.
Herod I of Judea funds a stoa on Chios.
Judea, including Edom, becomes a Roman province. Caesarea Maritima replaces Jerusalem as the capital.
Hadrian suppresses the Kitos War in Judea.
Hadrian visits Judea and decides to rebuilt the ruined Jerusalem as Aelia Capitolina.
Bar Kokhba Revolt breaks out in Judea during Hadrian‘s reign.
Forces under Hadrian quell the Bar Kokhba revolt in Judea, leaving roughly 580,000 Jews dead. Many of the survivors are enslaved.
Helena begins a trip to Judea.