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Oiskus was an ancient Greek river god associated with one of the many rivers of the Peloponnese. He was a personification of a specific river, and as with many other river gods in Greek mythology, Oiskus was seen as a divine entity that embodied the power and characteristics of the river over which he presided. The river god Oiskus was primarily linked to a river located in the region of Arcadia, a land known for its rugged and mountainous terrain, rich with mythology and associated with pastoral life.

Gordian III
238-244 CE
Thrace, Deultum
Æ 22mm, 8.39g, 12h
Radiate and cuirassed bust r., with gorgoneion
R/ River god Oiskus reclining l., holding reed and resting on water-urn
RPC VII.2 online – (unassigned; ID 48486)