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Ida is the name of a nymph in Greek mythology who was the daughter of Melisseus. She conceived a child with the river god Skamandros, and the child was named Teukros. Ida is also associated with Mount Ida in Crete.

Skamandreia, Troas
350-300 BCE
Æ 9mm, 0,95g
Obv.: IΔH, Head of mountain nymph Ida
Rev.: S-K-A, grape bunch
SNG Cop – , BMC 79.4, Klein –

Troas, Skamandria
c. 350-300 BCE
Æ 19mm, 5.04g, 3h
Wreathed head of nymph Ida r. R/ Fir tree; Σ-K flanking.
SNG Copenhagen 464.