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Sol was initially worshiped as a minor deity, reflecting early Roman and Etruscan beliefs in the Sun as a celestial force. He was typically associated with light, warmth, and the daily cycle of life. As Roman religion absorbed influences from Greek and eastern traditions, Sol became more closely aligned with Helios, the Greek god of the Sun, and acquired more defined attributes, including his chariot, which he drove across the sky each day.
The height of Sol’s prominence came during the late Roman Empire, particularly under the reign of Emperor Aurelian in the 3rd century CE. Aurelian elevated Sol Invictus to the status of a state deity, reflecting the Sun’s perceived invincibility and power. He established a grand temple dedicated to Sol in Rome in 274 CE and created a priesthood to oversee the cult. The worship of Sol Invictus became a unifying force in the increasingly diverse empire, symbolizing divine authority and the emperor’s connection to celestial power.
Sol also played a symbolic role in Roman culture and art. His imagery appeared on coins, monuments, and mosaics, often depicted with a radiant crown, emphasizing his role as a source of light and guidance.

Serdica mint 276 CE
Antoninianus 22mm, 3.79 gm, 12h
Obv: IMP C M ANN FLORIANVS AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust right.
Rev: PRO-VIDEN DE – OR, Providentia on left standing right, holding ensign in either hand, facing Sol on right, standing left, raising right hand and holding globe in left; ✴ in lower field; KAB in exergue.
RIC V 112

Gordian III
Rome 238-244 CE
AR Antoninianus 23mm, 3,85g
Obv: IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev: AETERNITATI AVG, Sol standing left, holding globe and raising hand.
RIC IV-83; RSC-41.

Valerian I
AR Antoninianus 3.25g, 23mm, 6h
Colonia Agrippinensis, 257 CE
VALERIANVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / ORIENS AVGG, Sol advancing to left, raising hand and holding globe
RIC V.1 12 (Lugdunum) var. (bust type); MIR 868h; RSC 143a var. (same)